Sunday, July 3, 2011

Friends, Family, Food, & Fireworks!!

Last night we had Scott's parents and our neighbors Jeff & Amanda and their 2 kids Payton & Jacob over to grill out and do fireworks. Scott had been in TN working last week so on his way home he stopped and went crazy buying fireworks to bring home! We really thought Taylor would enjoy it, but she was TERRIFIED of them!! Her and Payton both started crying immediately and wanted to go inside lol!!! I am so glad Scott's mom helped with the girls... she played with them inside while we enjoyed the firework show....... UNTIL the cops showed up! HA! Evidentally someone in our neighborhood must have called and complained. Thankfully the cop was very nice about it and just told us not to do any more fireworks. It was a fun night spent with friends & family to celebrate July 4th weekend. :)

Skylar & Payton (they are 6 weeks apart!)

Nana with Taylor & Payton watching from inside the house b/c the girls were terrified LOL!

I think the men enjoyed it more than anyone ;)

Tay watching the fireworks from the porch before she got scared!

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