Thursday, June 30, 2011

Shy Ballerina~

Today was Taylor's second dance class. Her first class went well but she started crying when they only had like 5 minutes left of class... when asked why she cried she said "I missed my Mommy".. So for today's class I was kind of nervous she might not do well. When we got there she was SO excited to go dance. We were kind of early so we had to watch the class before her... while watching that class she kept asking if she could go dance and seemed really excited about it. But then when it was her turn, she got scared and said she didn't want to go in. So we sat there and watched her class for the entire tap portion of class. When they stopped to change into their ballet shoes, I told her we were going to leave and go home since she wasn't going to dance .. then all of a sudden she had a change of heart and said "YES, I want to go dance now!!" So FINALLY she went in and joined her class for ballet. She was doing so well and then ONCE AGAIN began to cry..... but this time it was because she bit her lip while they were skipping around the room. :( So once again, she left class early- CRYING- (sigh....) I wonder if next week will be any better??? I sure do hope so :-)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My girls are growing sooo fast

I originally started this blog when Taylor was just a baby, but I never did anything further with it. I wanted to keep track of our everyday lives and have a place to "write" and use this as a journal to capture all of the memories we are making as our children are growing. I hope now I can keep up with it and create posts often. Children grow SO fast. It's amazing how fast they grow and change in those first few months & years. I cherish EVERY moment with my girls because I know before we know it they will be grown and I'll be longing for these moments again. I feel like just yesterday I was pregnant with Taylor.... and here she is almost THREE! And then with Skylar I feel like I'm going to CRY every time she learns something new or outgrows another size because she is my BABY and I do not want her to grow up too. Being a Mom is the absolute BEST feeling in the world. There are so many emotions you feel as a mother: happy, nervous, scared, proud, stressed, and even mad sometimes!! But the greatest of the feelings you will feel is pure LOVE. Unconditional love. That only gets stronger as time goes on. Not only do I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be a Mother to 2 wonderful daughters, but I also feel exremely blessed to have such a wonderful and supporting husband by my side to help raise them. He is my best friend and I feel so lucky to get to spend the rest of my life with him. God really knew what he was doing when he brought us 2 together. I think we "complete" each other perfectly... He is very laid-back and easy going while I am more of a type-A personality- I'm a list-maker, the planner, the perfectionist. He slows me down and makes me more relaxed. :) While I help him plan things LOL! Together we make a great team. And together we created two beautiful and sweet baby girls that we cherish with all of our hearts. :)