Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My girls are growing sooo fast

I originally started this blog when Taylor was just a baby, but I never did anything further with it. I wanted to keep track of our everyday lives and have a place to "write" and use this as a journal to capture all of the memories we are making as our children are growing. I hope now I can keep up with it and create posts often. Children grow SO fast. It's amazing how fast they grow and change in those first few months & years. I cherish EVERY moment with my girls because I know before we know it they will be grown and I'll be longing for these moments again. I feel like just yesterday I was pregnant with Taylor.... and here she is almost THREE! And then with Skylar I feel like I'm going to CRY every time she learns something new or outgrows another size because she is my BABY and I do not want her to grow up too. Being a Mom is the absolute BEST feeling in the world. There are so many emotions you feel as a mother: happy, nervous, scared, proud, stressed, and even mad sometimes!! But the greatest of the feelings you will feel is pure LOVE. Unconditional love. That only gets stronger as time goes on. Not only do I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be a Mother to 2 wonderful daughters, but I also feel exremely blessed to have such a wonderful and supporting husband by my side to help raise them. He is my best friend and I feel so lucky to get to spend the rest of my life with him. God really knew what he was doing when he brought us 2 together. I think we "complete" each other perfectly... He is very laid-back and easy going while I am more of a type-A personality- I'm a list-maker, the planner, the perfectionist. He slows me down and makes me more relaxed. :) While I help him plan things LOL! Together we make a great team. And together we created two beautiful and sweet baby girls that we cherish with all of our hearts. :)

1 comment:

  1. YAY, you are blogging too! My plan is to write everyday when they nap! You have such a sweet family!! Taylor and Skylar are very lucky to have wonderful parents like ya'll!!
