Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Bedtime & Naptime Battles. OH WHAT FUN!!!

I have to admit....up until now things have been pretty easy for me as a Mommy. As a baby, Taylor began sleeping 12+ hours straight through at night at only 6 weeks old and never woke in the night unless she was really sick. We've never had any problems with her sleeping until just recently. She has begun waking at all hours of the night crying & screaming for no apparent reason. And she will NOT go back to sleep until we finally let her sleep with us. (which until now we have not done at ALL except for when we are traveling) We have tried EVERYTHING imaginable to stop the night wakings and nothing is helping. I am really hoping it is "just a phase" and that this phase passes quickly. Skylar still wakes one time a night to eat and then goes right back to sleep until 7 or 8. So that isn't too bad. But the main problem I am having with her is the fact that she fights sleep SO bad that it is nearly impossible to get her to sleep. Up until now she has taken most of her naps in her swing b/c she falls asleep easily in that and if she wakes up after a short nap the swing lulls her back to sleep. But the beloved swing stopped working the other day so ever since then my days have been quite hectic trying to get her to sleep for naps!! She also seems so much more ALERT these days like she's just so interested in her surroundings to be bothered with naps ;) So, since the swing stopped working I guess it is time to start teaching her how to fall asleep on her own. This is going to be incredibly hard for ME b/c i just hate to hear babies cry. But I know this is a very important lesson for them to learn and the earlier they learn it the better it will be. I tried to make her "cry it out" last night but only lasted about 7 minutes before I gave in and rocked her to sleep. Usually she won't really even fall asleep with you rocking her but she was so exhausted from not napping well that she went to sleep with no problems as I rocked her. Then this morning I decided to let her "cry it out" again..... After several attempts she FINALLY went to sleep ON HER OWN and in her crib for the very first time. :) :) Hopefully I can do this for all of her naps and then at night as well. Now..... if I could only figure out how to fix Taylor's night-time troubles maybe I could be back on the path of being well-rested!!! This mommy is so TIRED of the sleepless nights!!! :)

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