Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Taylor turns THREE!!!!

Taylor turned 3 on August 19, 2011! She had a wonderful birthday... my parents were in town from GA (they stayed through the weekend so they could be here for her party!) and Scott took her birthday off so we could all spend the day together. We gave her several options that she could do on her birthday... and she chose to get a manicure / pedicure and to have lunch at Moe's :) So that morning we gave her our gift from us (a new Barbie Jeep), went to the nail salon to get her mani/pedi, had lunch at her favorite restaurant-MOE'S! And then that night we grilled hamburgers & hotdogs and had Scott's parents come over as well. They also had Carlie with them (Tay's cousin) so her and Taylor enjoyed driving the Jeep all evening :)

It is so hard to believe that she is already 3 years old!!! It seems like just yesterday that I was in the hospital having her. She starts preschool next week.... and her 3 yr check-up is next week as well!!!!~ :)

Her birthday present from Mommy & Daddy!! ~ a Barbie Jeep! (:

Just waking up and finding her birthday present!

Reading her bday card and discovering her stickers!

Skylar wanted to try out the Jeep too ;)

Chilling in the Jeep with her favorite Baby Doll

In her "Birthday Girl" shirt & hairbow Mommy made Her and Carlie driving the Jeep!

Birthday Pedicure

Getting her Mani / Pedi!!

Blowing out the candles on her "pink cake" Mommy made for her :)

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