Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Skylar's 4 Month Appt!

Skylar had her 4 month well-check on July 27th. Her appt went great and she is growing right on track!

Weight: 14.5 lbs (70%)

Length: 24.25 in (50%)

And her head circumference was 50% as well.

She had 3 immunizations, and she did really well... only cried for about 2 seconds :)

I cannot believe she is already 4 months old!!! She is growing way too fast!

I also started her on baby oatmeal a few days ago.... she still isn't too sure what to think about it!! Hopefully she will get the hang of eating off of the spoon soon! I plan on starting her on veggies & fruits when she is 5 months old :)

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