Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Myrte Beach Trip (7.26.11 - 7.31.11)

Our latest trip to Myrtle Beach, SC was July 26-31. We had a lot of fun and it was nice to be able to stay longer than just the weekend like our last trip! The beginning of the week we stayed in a condo at a Golf Resort.... it was really nice, 2 bedroom/2 bath, and over-looked the golf course (which Scott LOVED!) The first day it rained so we took Taylor to 'Wee Jump', an indoor inflatable jump center. Then that evening went to the mall. The next day we went to the pool, Scott played golf, and then went to the beach that evening after eating dinner at a restaurant on the beach. We checked out of that place on Friday, spent the day at the mall, and then checked into a hotel on the beach, Cabana Shores, where some friends of our's were staying with us at! Our neighbors (Amanda & Jeff) have a daughter that is 6 weeks younger than Taylor and a son that is 6 weeks younger than Skylar. Scott & Jeff played golf while Amanda and I hung out on the beach with the kids :) We ended the weekend at Broadway at the Beach before heading home on Sunday. It was a fun trip and we were glad to be able to enjoy it with some friends!! :)

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