Thursday, August 18, 2011

Rolly Polly Skylar :-)

Yesterday was an exciting day for miss Skylar!! She started napping in her crib (instead of her swing!) and learned to fall asleep all on her own :) Plus she started rolling from her tummy to her back!!!! And then she swang on the swingset when we went outside to play last night. She LOVED the swing.... she was so relaxed... I think she would have fallen asleep in it :)

Here are some pics from her momentous day (:

BTW, the transition from swing to crib was SO EASY with her..... she falls asleep after about 5 minutes of crying and gives me NO problems!!! I am so pleased with how EASY it was! I was so worried about making her "cry it out" but it really was easy! Thank goodness!!!!

Ready, Set......


Swinging on the swingset for the first time!!

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